- lowers sugar levels
- regulates carbohydrate metabolism
-supports weight loss
-lowers the LDL percentage
Gymnema sylvestre helps maintain proper glucose levels and also has the ability to block sweet taste receptors by reducing taste buds. In addition, Gymnema lowers the LDL percentage and improves the digestive processes. Gymnema leaf extract can help with weight loss. The product is intended for people with problems related to sugar metabolism and increased sugar.
Dry extract of Gymnema Sylvestre, pollen, anti-caking agent - silicon dioxide, capsule ingredients: gelatin, pigments - iron oxide, titanium dioxide, indigotine.
Content of the INGREDIENTS in the daily portion of the product |
2 capsules |
Gymnema Sylvestre Dry Extract, Water-Ethanol | 400 mg |
bee pollen | 18 mg |
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