Warning! The logistic minimum is 0.5 kg. We only sell multiples of this number.
- Source of vitamins and minerals
- diets recommended for weight loss
- a delicious accompaniment to meat
Plums are the fruit of the plum tree (Prunus L.), a tree or shrub of the rose family that can grow up to 40 m tall. Relatives, incl. with peaches, apricots, cherries and cherries, plums are no longer found in the wild. Conventionally, the Caucasus is considered the cradle of the plum tree, due to the widespread cultivation and use of its fruit, this cannot be said with certainty. The first records of cultivation date back to 2000. lat.
Plums are small fruits with a round shape, smooth skin, purple, yellow, red or green color and sweet flesh. They are characterized by an above-average wealth of vitamins - A, group B, C, E and K - and mineral salts - zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron and potassium. Despite all of their antioxidants and nutrients, plums are a low-calorie fruit that is welcome in weight loss diets.
Plums are recommended for desserts and meat. They also work as jam, juice or syrup. Its crushed pulp can be a pleasantly moisturizing mask that can counteract broken capillaries and skin aging.
Store in a dry and cool place
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