Warning! The logistic minimum is 1 kg. We only sell multiples of these.
- a source of vitamins and minerals
- can support weight loss
- recommended for desserts
Orange is a slang term for several fruit species in the rut family that are hybrids of the citrus genus. The cradle of oranges is China and India, from where their bitter variety came to Europe in the 10th century, from which sweet oranges were obtained.
Oranges are extremely high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, beta-carotene and flavonoids. For the above reasons, these juicy, sweet and sour fruits should be included in the diet of almost everyone. They can support digestive processes, boost immunity and support weight loss.
Oranges can be raw, canned, made into juice, and even added to meat. They are also an excellent addition to a dessert.
Store cool and dry
There will be approximately 3 organic oranges in the grid.
<span> Variation: Tarocco
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