A notice! The logistic minimum is 0.6 kg. We only sell multiples of this number.
- a source of nutrients
- can help with weight loss
- adds flavor to dishes
Aubergine, or rather elongated nightshade, is a plant native to tropical Africa, Egypt, Arabia and India. This extremely healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals, arrived in Europe in the 15th century, but its health and culinary properties have long been underestimated; for several hundred years it was only considered an ornamental plant.
Aubergine, also known as aubergine, bakman, love pear and bushei, is both an excellent base and a great addition to many dishes. It can be baked, grilled, fried, made into casseroles, meat dishes and even made into a sandwich paste.
Eggplants are a rich source of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They are characterized by a high content of mineral salts, including potassium, magnesium, copper and manganese. They also contain many vitamins, including ascorbic acid, vitamin K and folic acid.
Store in a dry and cool place.
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